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February 8, 2025
raoul pal net worth

Raoul Pal Net Worth

Raoul Pal Net Worth - A Breakdown

What is Raoul Pal net worth?

Similarly to every other high profile figure, net worth estimates can vary from source to source and methodology used to predict an evaluation.

In this line of thought, according to Wealthy Gorilla, Raoul Pal’s net worth is estimated to be roughly around $50 million. 

Raoul is known for his background in finance, having held positions at companies such as Goldman Sachs and GLG Partners. Additionally, he is also a renowned individual in the cryptocurrency field being known mostly for his bullish stance on Bitcoin.

Where does Raoul Pal’s net worth come from?

Raoul Pal’s net worth is believed to have been amassed mainly as a result of his lengthy and successful career as a hedge fund manager and investor. 

His ability to spot “good deals” and seize them has earned him his reputation as a smart investor with an authoritative understanding of macroeconomic trends.

Aside from that, Pal receives millions as a co-founder of the Real Vision Group, a premium financial media platform and its tens of thousands members paying to view its valuable content.

Another source of wealth for Raoul is crypto and more specifically Ethereum and Bitcoin. His Bitcoin investments, meticulously placed with the idea of playing the long game, enabling him to “get the cookie” after holding off liquidating during preemptively. A little while back Pal decided to offload his holdings and gold bullion and convert them to crypto, thus adding to his fragment of fortune in the form of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Other cryptocurrencies that also make up some of his crypto wealth are Avalanche and Solana.

Early Life & Career

Raoul Pal was born in 1968 in London, England and studied Economics and Law at the University of Plymouth, graduating in 1990. After graduation he became a Sales Executive at Dow Jones Telerate, a year after that, in 1991, he transferred to James Capel & Co to be a Senior Executive.

In 1995, Raoul Pal joined NatWest Markets as Director and stayed until 1997 when he joined global investment bank, Goldman Sachs, as the Head of European Hedge Fund Sales

Raoul Pal always had a good eye for smart investments, but his climb to the top started with his position as the Head of European Hedge Fund Sales. This role was in Goldman Sachs, specifically in the equities and equity derivatives section. After a successful and lucrative stint with the company, he moved on to GLG Partners and took on the position of one of their Chief Portfolio Managers.Having gained the experience and the money he made from his prominent positions he then launched his own company in 2005 – The Global Macro Investor, the company provides financial information and is followed by influential figures in the pension and hedge funds field.

Pal then co-launched Real Vision together with Grant Williams in 2013 as a way to offer on-demand finance to the masses. Raoul has said the company helps investors understand the “complex world of finance, business and the global economy with real in-depth analysis from real experts”. He took the traditional media outlet mold and took it to the next level by offering advice in newsletters and through other media platforms and channels. What set his company apart from the rest was that it provided actionable advice to those making a profit in the field.




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Net Worth